"Our experience with L.I.G. Sports Group, under the expert guidance of Justin King, has been nothing short of transformative for my son's journey to collegiate football. Initially, my son faced significant challenges in his recruitment journey; he was significantly undersized compared to his peers throughout his freshman year and into his junior year. This physical limitation meant limited game time and, consequently, scarce film to showcase his true potential. However, from the end of his junior year, he experienced a remarkable growth spurt.

His speed training sessions with Justin King at 40TEK—marked a turning point in his athletic career. Justin's role in my son's development developed beyond that of a coach; he became a mentor and a strategic advisor. He recognized the unique challenges and late bloomer aspect of my son's journey, customizing his approach to fit my son's evolving needs and aspirations. This tailored strategy, known as the 'Blueprint to Success,' was pivotal. It not only enhanced my son's skills but also meticulously prepared him for the collegiate level, placing equal emphasis on his academic prowess. What truly sets L.I.G. Sports Group apart is their holistic understanding of the athlete's journey in today's competitive landscape. Justin's adeptness at navigating NIL regulations and branding was particularly impressive. L.I.G. Sports Group's extensive network and deep industry insights have been instrumental in uncovering opportunities we previously thought unreachable. Their player development program is exemplary, focusing on long term success and not just immediate recruitment wins Entrusting Justin King with my son's development has been pivotal in navigating the intricacies of college football recruitment. His unmatched professionalism, personalized service, and comprehensive industry knowledge have not only helped orchestrate my son a spot at a program that is the perfect fit for him, but has also equipped him for ongoing success. For any parent navigating the complex world of college football recruitment, especially with a late bloomer athlete, I wholeheartedly recommend L.I.G. Sports Group. Their expertise and personalized approach have been invaluable in realizing my son's dreams and setting him up for a bright future in college football and beyond."

—Tara Armstead

"I can sum up my interaction and business dealings with Justin King and L.I.G. Sports Group as a powerhouse of professionalism and expertise in navigating the nuanced football business; recruiting, NIL, branding, player development, and curated strategy. My six-year tenure in the NFL and current Board of Trustees Member at the University of Pitt offers me an understanding of the current recruitment dynamics, a sense of (NIL) regulations, and career steering. I can confidently assert that Justin's assistance for my son's athletic journey is beyond measure.

Justin's unique ability to deliver astute insights is a trait that is difficult to encapsulate in mere words. What's more commendable is his contextual approach while dispensing advice, forcing a fresh perspective on all situations. This has transformed our understanding and practice in the complex world of recruiting & NIL.
As part of our 'Blueprint to Success' package, we received a 28-page comprehensive breakdown and roadmap to guide us through our journey. This blueprint was more than just a roadmap; it was a strategic plan woven with insights backed by deep industry knowledge.
His prowess in branding and career strategy is delivered in an inspiring and self-assured manner. It's compelling. Being a former NFL player myself, a Board of Trustees member, and having another child participating in Division 1 football, I can only fathom navigating this intricate process with the guidance and support of Justin and L.I.G. Sports Group.
Engaging with Justin & L.I.G. isn't simply a wise choice; it's an absolute necessity. I wholeheartedly endorse their services to anyone looking to navigate the revamped landscape of high school & college athletics. The “game” has dramatically transformed into an arena of sophisticated sports business development, and they are not just players - they're absolute revolutionaries."

—Adam Walker

"Justin has been a game-changer for my son's performance and athletic journey. His unique insights on the recruiting process, nil, and a grey area that lives in today's competitive sports landscape have helped us tremendously. 

His holistic and personalized approach has transformed this crucial time during this revamped recruiting landscape. Focused on crafting leverage on your journey, I highly recommend L.I.G. Sports Group and Justin King for athletes serious about maximizing their value and navigating the new NIL Era like a pro." 

— Pete Gonzalez Sr.

“My son Messiah is a 7th grader who attends Plum Middle School, he began working with Justin late March 2023, meeting 2 times a week in preparation for the upcoming Football Camp season. During this time my son's has learned running techniques and form that he was not being taught with his school Track team. Justin takes time before, during and after each rep to explain, demonstrate, correct, encourage and praise each kid so they feel fully engaged and understand why they are doing the drill. Upon starting our hand 40 time was 5.35 secs., the most recent Camp hand time has him at 4.81 secs.

After each session Justin takes time to stay after and talk with my son and I about the landscape of the recruiting world. Being so early in the process all the guidance he gives us in regards to NIL and overall business aspects of Football will only put us in a place of advantage. We feel better equipped to move forward in this journey and not blinded by the lights.

The trainings have also allowed my son to build friendships with his fellow trainees who are high school players from other schools who he may never had the opportunity to do so before this setting. With being a cornerback himself and a Penn State fan my son having the opportunity to not only meet, build a relationship and be trained by someone who has accomplished everything he dreams has been nothing but a motivator for him physically, emotionally and mentally.

The original goal was just to hopefully improve our time down to 5.0, but we ended up with even more. The 40 time is lower than our goal but we've gained so much more starting with experiences and tools he'll forever remember and utilize from now on. We plan to certainly continue with Justin in the future whenever the opportunity presents itself and would and have suggested him to many others. “

— Rodney Franklin Jr.

"Finding Justin was such a blessing. I just wish we had started working with him sooner! 

The blueprint that Justin created was detailed, thorough and overall incredibly helpful. It gave my son exactly what he needed to better understand his strengths and development areas, which was exactly what we were looking for. Justin quickly won over the respect of our son with his deep knowledge of the game and supportive communication style. I also appreciate that Justin introduced us to key people in his network, relationships which have been instrumental in our sons continued skill development and overall growth as an elite player. We are excited that our son will be attending a D1 football program in the fall on a full scholarship. We look forward to the continued partnership with Justin and L.I.G. Sports in the next phase of his academic and athletic career. “

— Monica Pool Knox

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